About Me

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Bridgeport, Michigan, United States
In the beginning, Author Madison Johns, didn't have a clue what marketing was or even how to go about it, but she learned, and now... she wants to help you... the writers of the world whether traditionally published or indie.
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Saturday, February 2, 2013


Social media is the hugest breakthrough since the lightbulb. It has blown up even more so for the writing community the last four years. I should know because I was there with a front row seat watching and precipitating as it unfolded. 

#1 Get as many Friends on Facebook as you can!
This is the most daunting task of them all because Facebook doesn't make it easy. Now it's even harder as Facebook puts you in jail. Now I can't tell you at what level this happens, I just know it does.

I have 5,000 plus friends on Facebook and people are like wow, and I'm like it took me three years. The maximum number of friend requests I sent out were ten to twelve and I quit for the day. While I'm not sure this will positively work now, it's worth a shot.

Don't forget to also go over to Twitter and start amassing followers. Find a Twitter profile and start following their followers. Most likely they will follow you back, if not, you can flush them out later... more on that in a future blog. Writers are the best ones to start following because they are more apt to re-tweet you tweets especially if you re-tweet them! Check me out on Twitter here.

#2 Be engaging!
While you amass you friends list on Facebook don't forget to thank them individually or post a cute photo with a huge thank you. Thank you is one of those things you could never hear of enough! FInd your own style for posting engaging status updates. For me it's good morning, but questions work well too. Don't forget to add photos with some saying about how great your friends are too. This is very engaging! GO to that home page and like, comment, share and show everyone that you care about what they have to say too! 

#3 Posting
If you're a writer on Facebook, I'd highly recommend you to remember why you are there. If you want a profile with all your family and co-workers on it; you might want to think about using another profile for your writing. The main reason is that many readers, or your fans, might not care so much what you had for breakfast. They certainly don't want to read anything about politics. Of course; post about writing and your word count for the day. Post and share cute pictures, and above all, don't let your profile page look like a billboard. It's great to share books or free books written by your friends, but keep them to a minimum, I don't post my book link until it's scrolled pretty low on my profile. Check me out on Facebook here.

While there is no Rhyme or reason behind what works and what doesn't, it can't hurt to mix it up and try a new approach. Always think about what you could that is different or what will set you apart. It's this kind of unique approach that will be the difference between selling books or not. 


Madison Johns said...


Morgan Mandel said...

Cute blog, Madison!
Also, great advice!

Morgan Mandel

Jane Carroll said...

Great blog...and very helpful advice. Can't wait to read more!

Madison Johns said...

Thanks Morgan and Jane. I have so many people asking me for advice that I thought I'd give my two cents.

Darlene Craviotto said...

Wonderful advice! Many thanks for posting this.

Unknown said...

Thanks Darlene for stopping by.